Friday, December 21, 2007


Since it's almost Christmas, people are bringing in tons of cookies and stuff for us. A lady brought in a plate of frosted Christmas cookies today, and they reminded me of you guys. Remember those cupcakes that we decorated so lovingly? These were like those, only instead of "Bruce Robbins," "Marry Me," and pictures of Kirshner and Croatia, these had No Smoking signs and stuff. And it wasn't a joke or anything--a couple of the librarians smoke, and I guess this lady thinks they shouldn't.

1 comment:

Ana said...

That is so wonderful, Laura!
I have been baking cookies for the past week, and today I made maple candy. It was a little rich. I want to make rum balls, which are beyond delicious.
And, remember, they gave you cookies, so you CAN'T SMOKE
Those cookies remind me of our SADD club. They gave us candy and made us sign an anti-destructive decision pledge before the holidays last year. I just don't understand why they think giving us candy is going to stop us from being destructive!