Sunday, January 6, 2008

East Meets West Meets Acid

In the vein of elections and politics and whatnot, meet Barack OBollywood. I came across this randomly and thought of, well, TASPers.

In other news, my house is now TASPer-free and I'm experiencing a bit of withdrawal. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, skimming through the pages of the Clique books and thinking, "Why, Mac, why?", feeling as though my humble abode is empty despite the fact that there are six rather loud people inhabiting it, and incessantly checking for flights to Montreal, San Francisco, Waco, St. Louis, D.C., Miami (and Bradenton), Merced, San Diego, Taiwan, Macedonia, Shanghai, Phoenix, Buffalo, and various other locations.

OK, back to resistors and ohmic materials and other useless crap.


Anonymous said...

Interesting! Oh, politics. Oh, Bollywood. Oh (something something)

And you forgot Atlanta! That should be, I dunno, like the e^th place on your list there.

Also: when in doubt, F=ma. Or, I guess in this case, V=IR.

Fernandez said...

I'm there. I don't know how to go about adding you though. You seem to be as elusive as me. (The same goes for about 10 other people.)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Gili. There were about thirty seconds in there that were just indescribably brilliant. I'm practically in tears.

Although that might just be because my biology exam is tomorrow.

Gili said...

Atlanta as a destinaion is just so ingrained in my mind that writing it down seemed superfluous.

And, Valentin, I don't know if that was directed at me but either way, I don't think I'm as elusive as you on facebook. Gili Kliger, Horace Greeley High School.

Laura Kling said...

I check a whole bunch. This means we're kindred spirits.

Aurélie said...

There's a free room waiting for you here, Gili.

Plus, you have to come. I already told my Mom about it.

Ana said...

Wait, you forgot Colorado!
But that's okay, if I was anywhere BUT here, this would probably be the last place I'd want to go. Actually, I AM here and I'd like to be anywhere BUT here.
Valentin, you have Facebook? I might be one of the elusive ones.
And there's a room open here for anyone. It's snowing. Again.

Big Mac said...

valentin, i can't find you. stop hiding!

Aurélie said...

I can find you, but I can't click on you... Click on me? I think I'm clickable.
Muchos gracias! I'm looking forward to exercising a regular hegemony on your wall, to put it in David (P)'s words.

David P. said...

I love you Gili. The video is amazing. O, would that Barack were really Barack O'Bollywood!

And Aurélie, thank you for citing your sources! :P Haha...

Fernandez said...

Mac, Gili, and Aurélie,

When any of you comment on somebody's wall, I can see your name and your comment, but I can't click on your name. (Aurélie, I'm sorry to inform you that you are not clickable.)

Hegemonies are welcome, but may result in the return of the repressed and dialectical inversions!

Aurélie said...

Valentin, I just changed my privacy settings. I should be clickable now, even to you poor, networkless orphans. XD