Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Frog Day!

(Though of course we all know the Gregorian calendrical system, parasitical entity that it is, completely sucks the life out of everything. Then again, today only happens once every four years, and we only age so fast...I wonder what that means, cosmically-speaking?)

But yes; hooray for galactical unity! I’m so glad we haven’t all slipped into oblivion nowadays; I love everything (almost) and everyone; February is such a draining, cold, dreary, clammy month—in fact it’s already snowed twice over here already—! But it would be cooler (no pun intended) if I could trade places with you, Ana. :O)

Anyway, I guess I don’t really have anything doubleplus-meaningful to enhance the aesthetic ambiance of this blog or whatnot (well, unless you count my daily dose of mindless drivel, ha!), but I did dig up a pretty interesting film clip that could use some serious collective TASPer analysis...

So, without further ado, THE CAGE DUDE.

(It’s not on YouTube. Everything is on YouTube. The fact that it’s not on YouTube, surprisingly, annoys me a little, because, well, that’s just not right, right?)


Laura Kling said...

Man, Olivia and I were looking for videos of this one salsa singer from Puerto Rico, and he wasn't on YouTube OR Wikipedia. I didn't know what to do.

Anonymous said...

That's crazy!

Ana said...

I do seem to talk excessively about the temperature, don't I? Sorry you all have to hear about the freezing weather, but it's really all I have to think about. It's still snowing in Colorado. Around Wednesday of every week, the temperature gets above freezing and there's a huge muddy mess. And then I go snowboarding and get huge sunburns on my face. And then...Sunday rolls around. And it snows. I need green! And warm. I'm going crazy.