Monday, April 13, 2009

Saw The House For The First Time...

My original intent re: revisiting the House was to wait until someone came to visit Cornell so that I could see it with them, but I'd long forgotten exactly where it is on campus (and most people here have absolutely no idea what the Telluride Association is), and so accidentally stumbled upon it a few nights ago ("stumble" here being used more literally than I would have liked to think at the time).

It was actually kind of funny, because I don't think any of us were quite aware of this, but the Telluride House is right on one of the main frat rows at Cornell. Those beautiful old buildings that surround the House aren't dorms -- they're frat houses, and they house some of the sketchier Cornell frats to be sure. I mean, right across the street from it is one of the more reputable frats in that area that, nevertheless, had a party that night that started at 10, was completely filled by 10:15, had the campus police waiting outside of it by 11, and was closed down by 1. And there was the placid Telluride House, where I can imagine that people were either working or keeping their binge drinking to themselves.

It's actually more fitting that the TA is there than I'd like to pretend, to be honest. Cornell consists of two types of undergrads: Type 1: brilliant slackers; Type 2: ambitious, hardworking dumbasses. While many frat boys and sorrority girls do keep the stereotype alive, I've met an awful lot of them who fit into Type 1 and who filtered into the frats so they wouldn't die of boredom, more or less. Because they're smart enough to coast into (and out of) Cornell, they're also smart enough to know when it's socially desireable to play dumb. You can't fault them for choosing people over some abstract pursuit of... something.

This is getting rambling, but my point was mostly that I was at the Telluride House the other day, and thought of you all.


Laura Kling said...

Not that I was paying attention to that, specifically.

But I totally knew the House was on frat row.

Liv Carman said...

Fair enough. But it's on the sketch one, which is amusing to me.

Big Mac said...

yeah, i remember someone telling a story about frat boys sneaking into the kitchen late at night and raiding susan's stores.

Alina said...

Haha yeah, I think that was Linda...It must have been pretty surreal to visit the house again, though. According to the Telluride newsletter I just got in the mail, they did some construction work on the balcony? Am I right?

Liv Carman said...

Yeah, it looks like the balcony was totally redone. It's bizarre, though, because the hill the house is on makes it look like the house is super tall and a really high porch.

Telluride House: There be giants.