Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So I was talking to Laura Kling the other day, and we both mentioned that we compulsively check the blog on a weekly basis. Sometimes daily. Usually daily. Anyway. Laura has convinced me that it's just stupid to keep checking the blog, hoping someone will post something new, and leaving without writing something of my own. And so came about the decision to write this post.

I don't have much to say. I never do. I think this is generally what keeps people from posting on the blog. I certainly don't want to waste anyone's time with my ramblings. But I will. I think it's more likely that we just want an acknowledgment that the TASPers still exist. So I have less qualms about the meandering style of this post.

Thanksgiving is upon us. In 2 hours and 41 minutes, American Thanksgiving begins. I don't know how all of you feel about Thanksgiving, but it's one of my favorite holidays. I really like eating. And not cooking or cleaning. Usually, my mom does the last two, and I do the first one. We'll see how I feel about this whole 'adult' thing once I have to clean up after myself on Thanksgiving. Anyway, I'm eating my Thanksgiving dinner with some friends who live in the dorm. I'm too poor to be taking a jaunt back to Chandler for a four day weekend. It may be a sad and awkward Thanksgiving. I hope not. I really like Thanksgiving.

Okay, so, I'm done wasting space. What is everyone else doing for Thanksgiving? When is the next time we can all see each other? Plans for winter break? Spring break? Summer? Non-break visitation? Let me know.


wielderofice said...


We ought to meet again one of these days, and soon! It's silly we haven't done so recently. Thanksgiving is indeed wonderful. I'll be eating dinner with my House as well, except the stuffing of stomachs will apparently commence around noon and end until whoknowswhen.

Existence is wonderful, too. You guys, we should all make this blog our home page, yes?


Laura Kling said...

Mac Krumpak! Apparently I am so cogent! As a person!

If you post, it means I can post, which means I can tell wacky stories that no one really needs to read. But here I am, a TASPer, still out here.

Just like you!

Tell me how your Thanksgiving went. I'm in Richmond, and my family is so cute. We all went for a walk together, and then later we sang songs. My cousins and I are still trying to convince our grandmother to use the facebook account we set up for her. My step-grandfather was wearing a fleece that said "Patagonia" on it. And I don't know how many times I went over what classes I'm taking. So many.

Liv Carman said...

I went home. My parents randomly decided that I can drink this year, so I basically drank a whole lot of this 14 proof mead that was very nice.

I got very buzzed at Thanksgiving dinner. Because I am that classy.

Anyway, it improved the quality of the holiday a whole lot.

Ana said...

I ate so much food!
Our turkey weighed 38 lbs. My aunt got mad because I didn't help with the butchering process, but my mom informed her that would probably not be a good idea, considering I usually faint at the sight of blood. But no matter. I ate so much of that turkey.
It snowed on Thanksgiving! All day, like 7 inches. It was great, and I went for a walk in it.
And I baked pies. And I also baked gingersnaps with my 5yr old cousin while we talked in gibberish to each other. (We were able to communicate surprisingly well.)

Liv Carman said...

Also, I'd like to reaffirm the fact that you should all come to Cornell to see the house again and so forth.