Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hats off to you

I have had a lovely day, and I would like to share it with a group of lovely people.

I played piano for a couple of hours. I read a new book under my favorite old tree in our garden while drinking tea I'd made with mint from that same garden. I had good-natured but intense arguments with a few members of my household; I listened to music until my ears twitched, sang some old songs, went through some old letters.

For the first time in a year, I wore a certain black hat that once called the Telluride House at Cornell home but soon grew attached to my head and later to my bookshelf, a hat that was supposed to serve as a comforting reminder of six weeks of forever but was unsuccessful in driving away the pain of separation when pitted against the memory of the actual thing.

As many of us go on to start a new chapter of our lives, as some of us already have, I want to take the opportunity to just smile at you virtually, tell you how much I love you, remind you that you all will always be in my thoughts and in my heart, and salute you for being the exceptional people you are.

If I had a false mustache (I want to write "moustache" so desperately. There, I did it.), a monocle and a tailcoat, I would don them now with that TASP hat as a flashback to our kooky TASPy cross-dressing party and then slip into a low bow, removing the hat with a flourish. A virtual flourish, of course.

Basically, I've been missing you these past few days (weeks, months, year) and wanted to say hello and how are you and please keep this blog alive 103 posts after its inception and please, pretty please excuse my use of polysyndeton, which I know is annoying.

In other news, I am thinking of taking a trip in the Easterly direction this Thanksgiving. Nothing for certain yet, but the prospect of a reunion could be the incentive I need to actually go and get tickets. Anyone?


Big Mac said...

Alina, I love you! And I miss you so much. I don't know if Chicago is sufficiently far east for you, but I offer my school as a possible destination. Somehow, I feel that the lure of Cambridge's complement of TASPers will outweigh Chicago's somewhat sparser collection of Cornellians, but I might as well give it a shot. Incidentally, this invitation is extended to all TASPers.

Laura Kling said...

No no no no no! You guys, I don't think you understand the glory that is New Haven, Connecticut. The Elm City has a vibrant history, echoes of which are evident in the fast-paced life of the city today. Lined with restaurants, boutiques, and the best institutions of higher education, the streets of New Haven have time and time again been declared the most beautiful and stately in the nation.
You can't make a better choice. New Haven is definitely the Thanksgiving choice of the millennium. Why would you want to be closer to where Pilgrims actually were when you could instead be closer to where the crime rate is rapidly decreasing?
Also, I love you so much.
Come visit me.
Every weekend.

Gili said...

YES. Reunion. Please! Anywhere. I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

But, seriously, you guys. There are nine of us TASPers at Harvard. And we get Alina. Because there are so many of us, we could beat you up.
Alina, reading this made me visualize you sitting in the Branch Office with our giant course packet in your lap on one of the many occasions we tried to complete our reading while vegging there. It didn't work. I miss you.
Like Alina, other students at TASPer-deficient schools are welcome to crash at my sweet quad in Pennypacker, the Caddy of freshman dorms. A Caddy parked in the farthest row in the lot, but a Caddy nonetheless.

Big Mac said...

so unfair.

Ana said...

Or you could all come to the West Coast...and Alina and I and all, what, four (?) of us West Coasters could host. :)
I'm just sad because I don't have the money to fly to the East for Thanksgiving, otherwise I'd be there in a minute. :(

Alina said...

We need a West Coast and an East Coast reunion. I don't know about Thanksgiving at this point, but I'll definitely be East this spring, unless something drastic happens! I'm so excited!!!

We on the West Coast can provide shelter to you East Coasters this winter (protection from blizzards, temperatures comparable to those found on Pluto, etc.). Seriously, think about it. <3 to all.

wielderofice said...

Or what better compromise than a mid-west gathering, if we are to meet halfway? I second Mac's offering.

Big Mac said...

Exactly! Ah, the conceit of our coastland fellows. The United States is more than just a pair of coasts. There's a whole middle-y part, too.

Ana said...

A whole middle-y part that's really windy where you're going to be, Mac. So, I think I'm not conceited in saying that Central CA is much nicer (weather-wise) than "The Windy City".
You know what we could do...
Meet half-way (well, kind of) in Colorado for the winter break, and I could take you all skiing/snowboarding!

Liv Carman said...

You should ALL come to Cornell, where you can see the House again. And where I won't have to travel. Mostly the house and stuff. Yes.

Julieta said...

Olivia's Cornell offer was enticing but guys, come on, don't forget about me still stuck in central Texas! Hey, it will be relatively warm here (even though everything within site will be a monotonous brown) and Austin is live music capitol of the world. Well, I suppose I will be in Waco for thanksgiving, in which case all I can say is, hey, Waco's home of the Dr. Pepper.