Friday, June 27, 2008

Flowers, Sunshine, and a Side Dish of Mosquitoes

My last comment on Julieta's post was amazingly depressing and I'm not actually feeling that depressed. Except when I think that someone else has taken over Room 21 at 217 West Avenue, Ithaca...

My life in Colorado has been full of mosquitoes. They drove me from my beloved garden! But I decided to defeat them and probably partially destroy myself by using mosquito repellent. Oh, you lovely, smelly deet. I'm not surprised mosquitoes hate the stuff, if I could, I'd probably get as far away from myself as possible when I'm wearing it. But of course, that sort of thing requires a much higher level of consciousness than I have personally reached. I suppose if I'd reached that point, I wouldn't have to put on the repellent because I would have ceased to notice the mosquitoes.
But, the flowers in my garden are the most beautiful things in the world. I have lupins, columbines, daisies, lilies, and tons of poppies. The poppies seed themselves EVERYWHERE. And my mom lets them. The neighbors think we're opium dealers, I'm sure.
I've been working on the farm, driving tractors mostly. If any of you want the farm experience, you should really come visit me! My dad would also appreciate the extra help.
The mountains are beautiful. But the snow is still everywhere, and I won't be able to go hiking for another two weeks, probably. I think my family's first trip is to travel about 20 miles of the Continental Divide. Then I'm climbing a fourteener (Mt. Blanca; elev. 14,100ish ft.), which I promised myself I would never do again, because there are so many people. If anyone would care to come on either of these trips, you should probably plan to arrive in Colorado in the next few days, because you'll need to get yourself acclimated.

So, what this post is trying to prove is that despite all the sad things I have to say about my community, my little sunny patch of Southern Colorado is really a worthwhile place to visit. And you don't even have to meet any people, because I live out in the country and go into town once a week at the most. Well, I admit that mosquitoes aren't a very appealing aspect of my life, but they should be gone in about a month! And I think everyone loves to have something to complain about in life, and mosquitoes make such a worthy adversary, don't you think?

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