Friday, May 9, 2008

Who does this remind YOU of?

So I was watching Across the Universe the other day for the 500th time and for those of you haven't seen it,'s your loss. Anyway, I was watching it and then it occured to me that Bono's lines in this scene bear an uncanny resemblance to a certain "theosopher's" insightful words we had the pleasure of listening to on the peace sign that one memorable evening. Or maybe just reminded me of it. My memory may actually be screwed up and I could actually be completely wrong and you'll all read this and watch this and be like what the fuck is she talking about but maybe this was my way of getting all of you to watch part of this movie or perhaps just my way of saying, "Hey!" So here you go...sorry the quality is quite poor. I was excited that I managed to find this scene on youtube in the first place. Oh and I hope everyone's APs and IBs and such are going well. And you don't have to watch the whole thing just that one part.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell, because when I see this, the only comparison my brain can draw/is bludgeoned with is "KESEY KESEY KESEY KESEY!"

I just bought this movie for my friend for her birthday. I wanted to buy her No Country for Old Men because it's literary, sort of, but I don't think it's on DVD yet.

Ana said...

Yeah, maybe it's the masturbating alligators part, Gili. But I totally see the connection.
And Across the Universe is one of the best movies ever. I think I cried through half of it.