Saturday, November 10, 2007

Greetings, again

So, it seems TASP 2008 seminars are out... (strange; only four are available this upcoming year.)

This abrupt transition, I have to admit, makes me a bit sad. I am inundated with nostalgia; it hurts, almost, that time refuses to wait for no one, and that even as I (or 33 percent of I) remain embedded in that fleeting six-week span of Nunnian history, the clocks keep on ticking; the cycle continues; another batch of intellectually starved minds will be satiated. And Cornell 2007 becomes a thing of the past.

But even so, our story is not over...There are still questions to be asked, theories to be disproved, sunsets to spy, redrum knifists to slay, gorges to frolic in, hours to be unslept (naturally). Oh yes, there is much TASPing to be done after all.

And, anyway(s), where is that lovely brochure of ours?

1 comment:

Laura Kling said...

Oh my gosh, you guys, the names for the Cornell I professors are Petrine and Petrina. That is SO CRAZY.

The seminars look pretty cool. Not too awesome, though. Ours still win.