Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Intellectual Elitism, the Horrors of

Today I...

Spied on the sunset (yolkishly pale, a bit sad and half eaten),

Felt particularly Amazonian and ordered Fear and Trembling, Paradise Lost, and Pale Fire (hands down the best $25 I’ve spent since that outrageously medieval Shakespeare book),

Listened to snippets of “Hey Jude” waltz across feverishly in my brain,

Tried to read Ulysses amidst all this commotion,

Passed by a car station called Butler Tire and—well, guess who came to mind?

Wore my shirt inside out,

Did not toil away meticulously on college applications,

Searched “Foucault”, “Judith Butler”, “Derrida”, et cetera, on YouTube and was pleasantly surprised (Why, they’re all so endearing! Neanderthals, the rest of us),

Dreamt something insane that Freud would not understand (well not really, since I’ve forgotten everything, but all the same I have a feeling it was pretty baffling),

Wrote a silly poem about some extinct bug (a natural symptom of lethargy, I'm told),

Sketched a shoe,

Checked this Blog,

And, as always, am missing everyone. There are unconditionals in this world, I’m telling you!

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