Saturday, September 1, 2007

Concerning the transnational praise of L.L.’s everlasting transcendentality


1. By “L.L” I mean he who is the essence of the Nunnian universe; or he who can only be conceived as the precursor of a transgenerational Elysium. I also mean he who is worthy of yelling and hand throwing.

2. A thing is said to be of everlasting transcendentality if and only if it cannot be superseded by another thing of the same nature. For instance, a foosball game held during a seminar break is not said to be of everlasting transcendentality since it can easily be superseded by a 3 AM match between two equally sleep-deprived teams.

3. By “transnational praise” I naturally mean a timeless sense of deep recognition and gratitude. In other words, it may be described as a feeling similar to that experienced in a “calling off the curfew” meeting.

Exp I say “transnational praise” with no connotation whatsoever – conscious or otherwise - of Robbinsian blame.


1. The Sysco TASP 2007, held in gorges Ithaca for a total of approx. 3,542,400 (quasi-)sleepless seconds, was fully immersed in the so-called Nunnian universe. It was not a mere illusion, and did in fact take place. (To sceptics and/or solipsists, I say: Please overlook this argument or refer to verificationist theory.)

2. One who can be held accountable for the everlasting transcendentality of a transgenerational Elysium is considered worthy of transnational praise.

3. Transnational praise is limited to a single individual. Multiple instances of such praise would result in the loss of transnationality.

4. If the essence is the real and invariable nature of a thing, it must be unique.

P1 L.L. was the sole essence of the Sysco TASP 2007.

Proof Since the Sysco TASP 2007 was fully immersed in the Nunnian universe (Ax. 1), and since that L.L. is the very essence of this universe (Def. 1), and that this essence is unique (Ax. 4), then L.L. was the sole essence of the Sysco TASP 2007.

Cor Hence it follows from Def. 1 that the essence of TASP is well worthy of yelling and hand throwing. (And a lot of it, too, as it has proved to be the case.)

P2 L.L. is to be the object of transnational praise.

Proof This is evident from Def. 1 and Ax. 2, for if L.L. is the precursor of a transgenerational Elysium, he is worthy of transnational praise.

Schol It follows that the praise to be allocated to THE BRUCE cannot be of the transnational variety. It may very well, however, remain in the much respected form of the ode.

P3 The Sysco TASP 2007 was an experience sans pareil.

Proof It follows from P2 and Ax. 3 that L.L. is a unique, unrivaled individual. And since L.L. in a unique individual, and the essence of a thing constitutes its real and invariable nature (Ax. 4), if follows from P1 that the Sysco TASP 2007 must also have been an unparalleled experience.

Another Proof This is also made evident by visiting: .

P4 which transcends any need for logical ground whatsoever:
Whereas if you are bothering to read this ridiculous piece of writing, you are most likely a 2007 Sysco TASPer. And whereas you are a 2007 Sysco TASPer, I MISS YOU. Terribly. And whereas I miss you terribly, please, please, please do keep in touch (by posting here, for instance!). – Now all those in favor say “AAAYE!”, kay?

Much love from Montréal,

PS: If you’re reading this, and I still owe you a letter, don’t let me procrastinate any longer…Please do wall post/email/message/knock me over the head with your address.

PPS: Please pardon the obvious flaws of logic above. I’ll try to patch them up one of these days, when I get a chance.

PPPS: My deepest gratitude to Baruch for the nice, geometric layout.

1 comment:

Abigail Lind said...

Oh, wow. C'est brillant. Tichoux, je t'aime. Aussi: je ne sais pas si c'est necéssaire (parce que nous parlons via AIM si souvent) mais j'aime recevoir la poste - mon addresse est -

3270 Rocky Sage Rd.
Jamul, CA 91935

À bientôt - Abigail