Saturday, March 8, 2008

Two posts in a row is maybe ridiculous. I'm maybe ridiculous.

Truman State might be the best place to go to school.
I just heard the big news--

From the Student Activities Board's Upcoming Events:

OMG! Shoes!
A Liam Show with Liam Sullivan
on Wednesday, April 2nd, in Baldwin Auditorium
Tickets free with Student ID, $2 for GA
Warning: This show will contain Explicit Content

Guys, it's that guy. Text Message Breakup Guy is coming to my town. So soon.

You know you want to come visit me. Tickets are just two dollars! We could tell him all about how we combined his work with that of Rabelais, and he'd love us, I bet.

Also, I just got back from Demo Days, Northeast Missouri's favorite political conference.
Our State Auditor is HILARIOUS when she's drunk. And I got to be on TV, because Jay Nixon, the gubernatorial candidate, showed up and had a press conference. So if you were paying attention to Missouri politics today (instead of Wyoming, I guess), you totally could've seen me smiling and nodding at all the right points. He's going to turn this state around.
Mostly because he believes in letting children have doctors. Everyone at the convention really liked that.


Big Mac said...

This is completely unridiculous. It's only now that I understand how unridiculous this whole thing is!

Laura Kling said...

You're completely ridiculous, and that means everything's canceled out, and what do we have now, Mac? Nothing, that's what.

Anyway, I guess I'm glad. I'm pretty excited about this. Are you going to go?

Big Mac said...

yeah. i think, if i have time over break, i may fly over and check it out. if i have time.