Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dudes, WTH

Has the blog died? Please, write things on the blog if you have time. I'd like to hear from everyone that reads this, and I assume that there are still others that check the blog religiously, as I do. Tell me what you think of your first years. I am jealous of their youth. But I am petty, and you are probably not. Tell me about your escapades in second year. I miss you all.


Gili said...

I rarely EVER check the blog and then today I did and there was a post from YOU! OH HI!

Unknown said...

but i don't really want to think about those things anymore....fuck you MAC (ha jk) I MISS YALL taspoers hope yall are doing swell as hell (heaven, hell just rhymes with swell, aint that swell?) love yalll send my love to any newborn children illegimately spawned by any tasper ************ so back to basicks ey?

Unknown said...

hey gili you go to brown you know michael (mike?) makowski? "ooooooooh baby i like it raw" - old dirty bastard

Unknown said...

YEAA! WE talked about you!!! I have a class with him and he said he was from Roslyn and I SAID OMG BRIAN SHERWIN.

Laura Kling said...


actually every time someone tells me they're from long island I ask where in hopes that they're from roslyn. this is irrational but true.

Aurélie said...

I haven't checked the blog in AGES... but HI!

Alina said...

I checked this blog today after a long time; I had thought that it was dead, too. I'm delighted to see that I was wrong! This post made my day.

Talk to me, TASPers. I need you all in my life again.

Unknown said...

laura keeeeep asking there are a few roslynites at yale yale yale yale two are in your class one's under you

Liv Carman said...

If I asked every single person at Cornell who's from Long Island whether they knew you, Brian, I would fail all my classes due to sheer neglect. The project would take up all my time.

Hell, if I narrowed it down to asking everyone at Cornell who's from Long Island and is also Jewish, that would still leave me with the entire ILR school to deal with.

wielderofice said...

Dude, second year is the craziest. i don't think i like school anymore. >O(

wielderofice said...

but i like all of you infinitely!